Next-gen blockchain solution for the


LoanXchain enables multi-seller and multi-buyer trading of loans.

LoanXchain allows financial institutions to go beyond bilateral interactions through a multilateral marketplace. The platform directly connects different sources of supply and demand for loans, similarly to the process of trading standard financial instruments. This approach does not require expensive intermediaries while it fosters industrialization. This translates in lower transaction cost/time and in an increase of total loan offering, liquidity and diversification.


LoanXchain puts transparency at its core, leveraging individual loan data to drastically improve buying and selling decisions.

In line with regulators’ recent efforts to promote transparency in the loan secondary market (ECB’s loan-level data initiative), LoanXchain is built around individual loan data to ensure the finest level of data granularity. In addition, great importance is placed on standardization and comparability. As a result, LoanXchain allows you to perform powerful line-by-line/ bottom-up analyses to make buying and selling decisions and to properly monitor investment positions, so reducing adverse selection and information asymmetry.


LoanXchain provides an end-to-end secure platform for digital assets, where fully encrypted interactions are made easy.

LoanXchain is built on blockchain and in particular on R3’s Corda, which is designed specifically for financial institutions needs. Corda empowers asset digitization in a secure environment and provides all the benefits of blockchain, such as encryption, data persistency, auditability and smart contract capabilities. At the same time, it avoids infamous blockchain issues, such as poor scalability, little privacy protection and limited auditability of network participants. In fact, Corda’s consensus protocol avoids expensive proof-of-work process, while its permissioned and point-to-point architecture ensures network participants are recognizable and information is shared only with relevant transaction parties.

Born to be compliant

LoanXchain empowers fully auditable and intrinsically secure interactions, cutting data reconciliation and verification costs, while ensuring strong privacy protection.

LoanXchain's distributed and persistent database ensures shared data integrity between platform users avoiding reconciliation and verification activities. In addition, LoanXchain enforces information sharing only between permitted parties, ensuring strong privacy protection. Finally, LoanXchain empowers auditability of data by relevant parties and disclosure of relevant information to regulators, in line with ECB’s loan-level data initiative.

Open and inclusive

LoanXchain opens the market to the many small-sized financial institutions, that are the backbone of the European system.

LoanXchain cuts transaction time, cost and complexity making smaller and more frequent transactions economically viable. As a result, LoanXchain opens the secondary loan market to small-sized lenders, such as regional banks, specialized financial institutions and peer-to-peer lender, which are currently shut out of the market for not reaching minimum transaction size. This greatly benefits the whole financial ecosystem, increasing its efficiency and resiliency.

Evolving community


  • Deutsche Bank
  • Mediolanum
  • Dynamica Retail
  • Pedersoli Studio Legale
  • r3
  • Le Village by CA
  • F10
  • Sinapto
  • Trusted Smart Contract Association

Our Firm is proud to be assisting LoanXchain in the development and launch of its fintech operations.
The project is based on a smart application of the blockchain technology to a regulated sector, in a way which allows fostering transparency, simplicity and standardization in loan disposal.

Alessandro Zappasodi Partner of the Financial Institutions department at Pedersoli Studio Legale

LoanXchain utilizes blockchain at best on a very traditional “brick & mortar” process.
We particularly appreciate the desire to gain trust from a wide number of relevant stakeholders, satisfying the need for transparency and speed. This solution has an extraordinary potential and since change management is key for its success, the Corda Blockchain Platform is the right environment for a digital ecosystem with the ambition to be a market leader.

Angela Gemma Chief Digital Officer at Deutsche Bank Italy

Mediolanum has always been an innovator, being at the forefront of technology with a unique hi-tech hi-touch distribution model. Now, inevitably, passionate to blockchain.
We support LoanXchain because it's a project that applies the blockchain paradigm and technology to a real problem, providing a very promising solution and generating a "loans market" quite similar to what we're used to interact with a typical financial instrument.

Demetrio Migliorati Head of blockchain program at Banca Mediolanum

We decided to passionately support LoanXchain, because it facilitates loan disposal by small credit institutions, providing them with new growth opportunities.
In particular, loanXchain will make our originate-to-distribute business model more efficient and it has the potential to improve our commercial performance.

Eng. Alessio D'Arpa Chief Executive Officer at Dynamica Retail



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